Persian cat care ai

Persian Cat Care: The Ultimate Guideline For the New Owners!


If you have recently adopted a persian cat or you are planning to adopt one, then let us tell you that what lies ahead of the road is just full of surprises for you. To keep a persian cat healthy and happy we must provide special care for them.

Do you want to know how to take care of a persian cat? We will be discussing coat care of their lovely pretty huge coats to always look shiny with no tangles, what food are best for them as well keeping your dog fit and most importantly, understanding the general health problems that may remind you how much they cost if you end up headline Veterinary bills.

You will also discover how to build a paradise for your persian cat and make terms with “are persian cats really high maintenance?” After reading through to the end, you will learn how to provide excellent care for your persian cat.

Grooming Your Persian Cat’s Fancy Coat

What may sound obvious to some people, the Persian cat owner should groom his/her Persian cat’s fancy coat in the following ways.
Persian cats are known to have awesome fancy coats that require grooming attention to be made often to beautify them. This is because, if you own a Persian cat, you will have to spare your time and effort for the grooming of your pet. Now let’s look into the effective grooming techniques that you can use to maintain Persian cat’s beautiful skin and silky fur.

Daily Brushing Methods

Grooming, or as a certain brush call it, is incredibly helpful in your Persian cats’ coat care. Their long silky double coat can as well become infected and clumped together due to matting if the coat is not brushed often. To keep your cat’s fur in top shape:

A person brushing a persian cat
Figure: Grooming a persian cat

1. These include: A wide-toothed metal comb such as, Eye Envy Pro Glide Cat Comb. Such as this type of comb is more effective than a cat brush for example.
2. Start at the back of the head of your cat. Starting on the head go over the whole coat until you get to the tail end.
3. Concentrate on areas of the scalp which may be more difficult such as behind the ears, the lower area of the chin and cheeks, the protruding part around the stomach and under each arm.
4. Whenever you come across area with mats, comb the hair starting at the roots and work your way up. But if your cat looks irritable, it is better to change to a mat splitter.
For more grooming, one can use a slicker brush with higher quality steel pins added on it. What I like about this brush is that it can go deep into fur and pull out undercoat while not harming your cat.

Bathing Your Persian

A persian cat is bathing
Figure: Bathing a persian cat

Persian cats groom themselves, however, because of their thick coat, they require frequent bath to be able stay clean and healthy. Here is how to bathe your Persian cat:
1. Bathe your cat once or twice a month to wash him or her and to remove dander from his or her coat.
2. Get a shampoo approved by your vet as well as a natural degreaser that does not irritate the cat’s eyes.
3. Submerge one side of the sink with Plate Washing soap and water while the other side is for rinsing.
4. Put your cat in the water mixed with soap and use cup to pour the water over them.
5. Lather your cat in the clean water and rinse, do this to ensure that all the shampoo is washed off your cat.
6. Drive out as much water as possible and put your cat in a towel and then take them to the drying location.
7. If you have to use a blow dryer, use it on low setting and be very gentle to the skin of your cat.
What you should know is the fact that the frequency of bathing your cat largely depends on the type of fur your Persian cat has. That is true, and when this happens to your cat the coat looks greasy and matted then it is time to give it a bath.

Eye and Ear Care

A person is cleaning a persian cat's ear
Figure: Ear care of a persian cat

Persian cats may be prone to eye and ear diseases owing to the shape of their faces. Here is how to take care of these delicate parts:

1. To clean your cat’s eyes you should use eye cleaning liquid or warm water on a paper towel or a piece of soft cotton.

2. Here the modification: Wipe the area around eyes using damp cotton balls to remove some gunk if any where around the region.

3. Pay attention to the cat’s ears while you are grooming them as this is a good indication as to their health.

4. If the ears look like they are dirty or greasy then clean them with a cotton wool ball damped in the cleaner.

5. If you notice any discharge or unusual odour coming from the ears consult the vet.In so doing you will ensure your

Persian cat retains a sleek coat free from tangles and possibly eliminate any health issues crops up. It is also important to make sure that your Persian cat remains as calm as possible and groomed as frequently as possible. In time, the cat may start to look forward to the grooming times as its playtime with you or actually develop a liking for the grooming.

Nutrition and Feeding Guidelines

Proper feeding is very essential in the overall health of Persian cats especially their fur. As Persian cats are obligate carnivores, it means that they need to consume many foods which include proteins of animal origin to keep fit. Now that we have established what Persian cats are let us look at the ideal diet for your friend and the right feeding regimen in this Persian cat diet guide.

Best Diet for Persians

A persian cat in front of a bowl of cat food
Figure: Cat food for persian cat

If you feed your persian cat, you should go for foods that contain proteins and should be of good quality. A balanced diet for your Persian should have:
1. There is much high quality protein in whole meat products.
2. Low fat or no fat (Avoid using products containing grains or carbs; meals low in fat are preferred.)
3. The right portions of vitamins and mineral in it as recommended by the vets.
4. It is therefore important to figure out how much moisture is enough depending with the size of the cat.
Protein plays a crucial role for Persian cats, as it helps with many body functions such as:Protein plays a crucial role for Persian cats, as it helps with many body functions such as:
• Making of bones and muscles
• Replacing cells
• Thus, it is imperative that hormones are controlled.
• Developing of antigens if there is invasion by pathogens.
• Helping the functioning of the brain and the nerves
According to the standards, the food for the Persian cat should contain protein in amounts of not more than fifty percent. Such a high level of protein also aids in maintaining fur, skin and nails condition and teeth as well.
Incase of selecting the food for your Persian, you should consider foods that have chicken, turkey, fish as well as other seafood. It’s also good to have a variety as Persian cats have different taste buds and will not want to eat the same thing over and over again.

Feeding Schedule and Portions

The basic requirements include proper feeding times and getting the Food portion right in order to sustain the health of a Persian cat. Here are some tips to follow:

1. Determining how many times you should feed your Persian and the quantity of food to give out will depend on the amount of calories your Persian requires in a day besides his activity levels.

2. A Persian cat’s diet should range between 180 and 230 calories, and such cats are usually not obese and are active. There are additional reasons that might lead to increased need for caloric intake: physically active cats; cats in the gestation and lactation period.

3. If possible, attempt to get 90% of Persian’s dietary caloric intake come from animal protein and fat.

It is also important to bear in mind that Persian cats require fresh clean water at all times. They take roughly between 200-250ml of water every day. This involves water that is found in wet canned food, soups, and any warm broths to mention but a few.

If your Persian is not interested in drinking from a bowl then trying a cat water fountain is also an interesting idea. Wet foods should also be introduced into their diet since they can help in increasing the cats’ hydration, which is excellent for Persian cats.

It is also important for you to know that Persian cats can develop food allergies at a certain point in their life. Some of the most typical offenders among foods are beef, fish, chicken and dairy products. Information by this you need to look out for signs of things like itching or scratching, vomiting, or diarrhea. If you notice these signs discuss with the vet how to perform a food trial to identify and avoid the reactive food.

Following these feeding and nutrition guidelines, your Persian cat will be healthy and its coat clean and shiny as well as getting adequate nutrition for their special needs.

Creating the Perfect Environment for Persian Cat

A brown persian cat
FIgure: A fluffy persian cat

This is some of the requirements which if met, ensures that your Persian cat lives a healthy and happy life- Right Place. It is now the right time to see some tips on how to entertain this indoor life and several tricks to regulate the temperature for the comfort of the furry friend.

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Indoor Enrichment Ideas

In order to maintain your Persian cat’s wellness you should liven up his environment. This means including new items into their space which of course makes their life much better. Here are some tips to liven up your cat’s indoor world:

1. High Spots: There is no better satisfaction to a cat than to jump on high places and look down. To meet this instinct provide your cats with trees, shelves or perches.

2. Hiding Spots: Make their beds looking like caves using old discarded cardboard boxes or chair with blankets draped over them. These nooks provide security and their territory to the cats and that is very important especially if you are a homeowner with multiple cats.

3. Scratching Posts: Let your cat have the right things to scratch. This helps in keeping their claws in good condition and also their emotions as they feel free to speak them out.

4. Interactive Toys: Entertain your cat with toy and playthings that will make your cat think it’s hunting. This does not only engage working of their brain, or challenge their thinking but it also gets them into shape.

5. Puzzle Feeders: You should consider using puzzle feeders or toys which dispense the foods rather than the normal bowls. It aligns with how cats’ hunt for their food in the process and makes their head intelligence.

6. Sensory Experiences: You may buy new toys that are harder than the usual toys for your cat to play with, or you make toys by yourself using fabrics of different types of textures that your cat can feel when playing with them.

7. Social Interaction: Pet or cuddle with your Persian or engage in play and bathing activities with the Persian.

In addition you have to remember that there are different types and intensities of enrichment and they may vary depending on age and breed of your cat. Persian cats require extra play and attention while kittens require a play with higher energy levels.

Temperature Control

Persian cats have limits as for temperature, and the temperatures that are optimum for them are referred to as thermoneutral zone. This zone is of 30 to 38 degree Celsius or can be 86 to 101 degree Fahrenheit. Most homes have cooler temperatures than this range thus you should try and ensure that your Persian cat is comfy warm. Here are some ideas:

1. Sunny Spots: Place the cat beds or perches near the window so that your cat can effectively have direct access to sunlight.

2. Cozy Bedding: Give your cat cuddle pillows, curtains, or blankets made of fleece or vellux to cuddle in .

3. Heated Cat Beds: It may be wise to purchase a heated cat bed or buy a micro-waveable heating pad for your pet cat. This means we ensure that we keep the cat in a place that it has an option of moving away from if it gets too hot.

4. Avoid Drafts: It is also important to exclude your Persian from draughts so ensure that windows and doors are well closed.

5. Gradual Temperature Changes: If you want to change temperature in your home then it is also advisable to do so slowly since the cat will require time to adapt.

With these indoor enrichment ideas and temperatures applied, you will give your Persian cat the best home that is suitable for his/her health and happiness.


By reading this guide, you will know how to properly take care of your Persian cat and ensure that you give your pet the best care that you can give. However it is always worth to notice that all cats are not the same; therefore one should always closely observe the cat that you have at home to know the best way to take care for it. If you want to know how to take care of Persian cat please visit our Web site. If proper steps are taken towards all these aspects then all one deserves is to have a sound, cheerful and well spoilt Persian cat as a life partner for many years.


  • Do Persian cats require a lot of care?
  • Yes, Persian cats are considered high-maintenance due to their long, flowing coats which are prone to shedding and require daily grooming. It’s important to use a metal comb to prevent tangles and hairballs, and bathing should only be done after thorough combing.
  • Are Persian cats difficult to look after?
  • Persian cats have a laid-back temperament but their grooming needs are demanding. They enjoy daily brushing and grooming, which not only helps keep their fur mat-free but also serves as a great way to bond with them.
  • What are the essentials of Persian cat maintenance?
  • Maintaining a Persian cat involves daily brushing of their fur coat, almost daily cleaning of their eyes, regular teeth brushing, and keeping their ears clean.
  • How frequently should a Persian cat be bathed?
  • Persian cats typically require a bath every 4-6 weeks to maintain their appearance, though some may manage longer intervals. Always clip the cat’s claws before starting the bath and ensure the cat is thoroughly wetted during the bath.

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